Category: Editorials

Enjoy the Holiday Season

This is a wonderful time of the year, to paraphrase the song, with holiday music playing in the malls and on our car radios, resurrecting our earliest childhood memories — even for the younger set — of Christmases-past. We choose…

Happy Hanukkah

We want to wish our many friends in the Jewish community a Happy Hanukkah. The celebration began Tuesday night and continues for eight days. On each night of Hanukkah, a special blessing is said during the lighting of the candles…

America as We Know It Is Over

It is difficult to understate the impact upon the future of our country of the Republican tax bill proposals that have been passed by the House and Senate and await a reconciliation between the two versions for a final vote…

Remember Those in Need

For the vast majority of Americans, Thanksgiving and the holiday season is a joyous time when the abundance that life offers is most apparent in a wealthy nation such as ours. But the sad reality for many of our fellow…