Category: Editorials

Technology is Killing Us

It often is said that technology is a two-edged sword. While it certainly is true that advances in technology bring many benefits, those benefits often find themselves subject to the law of unintended consequences. The dramatic rise in cell phone…

Gov Baker Stands Tall — Again

The swift and unequivocal announcement last Friday by Gov. Charlie Baker that Massachusetts will join in an initiative with other states to encourage alternative forms of energy in order to reduce carbon emissions is yet another example of the sort…

Letter to the Editor

THE LYNN HUNGER NETWORK To the Editor:             This May the Annual National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive made a big difference in the lives of thousands of people in Lynn and surrounding communities. The member organizations…

Happy Memorial Day

The calendar tells us that the Memorial Day weekend is upon is, although with the exception of a few days this spring, the cool and wet weather has not been a harbinger of warmth and sunshine. But for Americans of…

No Place for Hate

This editorial is not about politics. It is not about an issue that mark us as Democrats vs. Repubilicans, liberals vs. conservatives, pro-life vs. pro-choice, higher vs. lower taxes, amnesty for immigrants vs. big, beautiful border walls, diplomacy vs. bombing…

A Truly Perilous Time

When President Obama left office, he made it clear to incoming President Trump that the most important foreign policy challenge that the new administration would face would be figuring out how to prevent North Korea from developing an intercontinental ballistic…

Spring Has Sprung….

Although our winter season was a mild one, both in terms of cold and snow, giving us hopes for an early arrival of spring, our optimism proved illusory thanks to a near record-setting chilly and wet month of March that…

Happy Easter

It’s hard to believe that another Easter already is upon us. Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be here this week, and those of the Christian faith will begin the observance of the holiest days of their religion upon which…