Category: Editorials

The Weather

Maybe we are getting old or maybe we were just spoiled. But the last few days have brought us back to reality that winter has come with a vengenance. Walking on the streets with the wind and patches of ice…

The Most Important Tool

By State Representative Brendan Crighton Early on in my first term on the City Council, an experienced City Hall employee and friend gave me a copy of Lynn’s zoning ordinance and told me that it would be the most important…

Enjoy the Holidays Safely

Holiday get-togethers with family, friends, and co-workers are wonderful things, but all too many of such gatherings will result in tragic consequences that will be in the headlines the next day. All of us should be sure not only to…

Don’t Forget Those in Need

While the vast majority of us are able to enjoy the holiday season to the fullest, and take for granted holiday traditions such as the sharing of gifts, the warm embrace at holiday gatherings of friends and family, and a…

Merry Christmas

Another Christmas is at hand and families will gather, as they have done for generations, to celebrate the holiday season with our friends and loved ones. Peace on earth, joy to the world, and the like may be platitudinous phrases…

Let Us Give Thanks

Another Thanksgiving is upon us. It’s a day for schoolboy football, family gatherings, and not much else to do other than enjoy a great dinner with friends and family that reminds us how fortunate we truly are as a nation…