Category: Editorials

Sundays aren’t fun anymore

Some years back, amid the Patriots’ long string of success, we wrote that New England fans should enjoy the ride, because it inevitably would come to an end. We’ve been Pats’ fans since the 1960s, so unlike younger fans, we’ve…

Hurricane Fiona Was a Warning

We’re all aware by now that climate change is dramatically impacting our weather, particularly by increasing the intensity of major weather events such as hurricanes. In our little corner of the world, significant weather events have been few and far…

Get the New COVID Shot Now!

We realize that after two and one-half years of dealing with COVID-19, all of us just want to be done with COVID. But the unfortunate reality is that COVID-19 is not done with us, despite what President Biden suggested in…

Alcohol Abuse Is Still Problem #1

Two years ago the voters of Oregon approved a measure that decriminalized the possession of small amounts of even the most dangerous drugs, while also mandating that tax revenue from the sale of marijuana (which Oregon legalized in 2014) be…