Category: Editorials

Graduation 2012

Lynn’s public high schools and St. Mary’s have held their graduations. Slightly more than 1000 Lynn students will shortly move on to colleges and universities or into the armed forces or into the business community. This year’s graduates enter a…

The Stormy Weekend

Lynn/Nahant Beach over the wet weekend rocked and rolled. Huge waves rolling in and smashing against the seawall roared and crashed until the wee hours of the morning when Saturday turned to Sunday. The roar of the ocean, and we…

The Summer of 2012

It is impossible to know what awaits us at the beginning of another summer of our lives. With Memorial Day past us, the mystery of the coming summer is upon us in full force. The death last week of Robin…

A Casino in Lynn?

Two local businesspeople are reaching out to Steve Wynn, the iconic casino developer and one of the world’s richest men to consider coming to Lynn. On its face, the reach out by Patricia Keefe and David Zeller, should be complimented…

To Be a Millionaire or Not

Lynn residents might well ponder whether or not it matters that Senator Scott Brown and his opponent, Harvard Law professor Elisabeth Warren are both millionaires. During this election season, being rich and wanting to serve in public office are often…

Tisei Versus Tierney

Democratic Congressman John Tierney will have his hands full facing former state senator Richard Tisei, the liberal republican who is running against the congressman who represents Lynn. Tisei, who has been out of the senate for two years, spent two…