Category: Editorials

Hall of Famers

Our congratulations to Lynn candlepin bowlers Joseph Tavernese and Nancy Vestal. Both bowlers have been notified by International Candlepin Bowling Association officials that they have been selected for places in the Candlepin Bowling Hall of Fame. This is a tremendous…

Municipal Salaries Now and Then

Most local newspapers print municipal salaries as though they are all about insults, shock and awe – that we should be shocked that municipal employees make good salaries and benefits with the awe – why should it be that way?…

Buzzy’s Fundraiser

Councillor at large candidate Buzzy Barton’s campaign got off to a great start a few months back. However his fundraiser held last week shows the great political punch he will bring to the campaign. His time at the Brotherhood Club…

Radiation in the Rain

It sounds like the opening scene of a horror movie. Radiation is reported to be in the rain in New England as a result of the nuclear reactor malfunctions in Japan. And what do our public officials say? Don’t worry.…

Goods news at GE

It comes as great news to Lynn residents working for General Electric now that GE has received a $247 million engine contract that secures employment at the River Works plant for another two years. In the post recession economic world…