Category: News

Jared Nicholson Elected Mayor of Lynn

Jared Nicholson came to Lynn in 2014 after graduating from Harvard Law School and prior to that, Princeton University, with highest honors. He founded a legal aid practice in Lynn that provided free legal advice to low-income entrepreneurs and small…

Two Pandemic Businesses Rcognized

Two local businesses stepped up during the pandemic by preparing food for volunteers and food distribution to Lynn residents. George Markos of Brother’s Deli and Thaer Demaidi of Alfredo’s Italian Kitchen immediately rushed into action. “Three shifts of volunteers were…

Lynn Woods Protected Forever

Special To The Journal A momentous vote occurred at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting when the City Council, on behalf of the City and the Lynn Water & Sewer Commission, voted to petition the Legislature to authorize the City to grant…

Voters go to the Polls

Lynn residents will go to the polls on Nov. 2 to cast their ballots in the city election for the mayor, city council, and school committee positions. City Council President Darren Cyr and School Committee member Jared Nicholson have been…