Our Congressman John Tierney is a man to be admired and to be trusted, and so we agree completely with his assessment of Congressman Michael Capuano as his choice to succeed the late Senator Ted Kennedy as our senator from Massachusetts.
Capuano’s visit to Lynn over the weekend – where he spoke to a large crowd at Brother’s Deli in the early morning Sunday – was a great success.
It was a success for Capuano, whom we know well and it was a success for Lynn people looking for the right person to take on the mantel left by the late Senator Kennedy.
Capuano is one of those rare politicians who cannot fake how he feels or tell you yes to something he’s going to vote no on.
He is an intellectual, an honest man who came up the hard way in Somerville, a Dartmouth graduate, a BC lawyer and a real scrapper.
Lynners got a dose of the real thing Sunday morning.
Capuano is the real thing.
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