It is likely to be the first time in Lynn’s history that a Nobel Prize winner has come to the city when Dr. Richard Roberts visits Lynn English High School on Friday March 11 at 8:30 a.m.
He will be visiting LEHS as part of the Nobel Laureates School Visit Program which is organized by NL Translation and the Massachusetts Secondary Schools Administrators Association.
Dr. Roberts received the Nobel Prize in 1993 for Physiology or Medicine.
His special work concerned the discovery of split genes.
His work has also came to include gene splicing and his discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA.
Basically, he is a biochemist and molecular biologist.
He was born in 1943. He grew up in Bath, England. Chemistry was apparently his first love since early youth.
He graduated from the University of Sheffield.
After wining the Nobelk Prize, he donated some of his prize winnings to the former City of Bath Boys’ School, where he went and which is called the Beechen Cliff School.
He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2008m, making him officially, Sir Richard John Roberts.