The Solimine family hosted a fundraiser for Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy at Lucia Lighting and Design. Shown, from left, are Joel Solimine, Kristen Solimine Steriti, Michael Solimine, Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy, and David Solimine Jr.
The Solimine family hosted a fundraising reception for Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy on March 27 at Lucia Lighting and Design on Western Avenue.
David Solimine Jr., co-owner of Lucia Lighting with Lucy Dearborn, said the hosting of the event amounts to the family’s endorsement of the mayor’s candidacy for re-election.
“Judy has done a fabulous job in terms of reaching out to everybody in the community – she really is mayor for everybody,” said Solimine. “She has been working with the Chamber of Commerce and the business community on economic development initiatives and has really been very supportive in collaborating with the Chamber and others as well as encouraging her development staff to look at ways that we can get the city poised for economic growth.”
The Solimine family is well known in the community for its many charitable endeavors. The family owns and operates Solimine Landergan and Richardson Funeral Homes in the city. David Solimine Sr. founded the funeral home in 1965.