Kevin McDormand, head coach of the Lynn Tech girls basketball team for the past five seasons, has stepped down from his position. He will continue in his position as a mathematics teacher at the school.
Tech director of athletics Joseph Skeadas accepted McDormand’s letter of resignation last week with regret, praising the coach’s service to the school and the athletic program.
“If I could have denied his resignation, I would – Kevin has not only been a great asset to the basketball program but to the whole sports program,” said Skeadas. “He’s a leader. He’s in the school. He’s on top of things and we’re really going to miss him. He did a great job.”
McDormand, 32, said there was “a big family component” in his decision to resign. “I need to spend some more time with my family. There is an illness in the family. When you’re coaching, it takes you away from a lot of family things. It was a very tough decision but did think it was the time to go now.”
McDormand said he enjoyed his tenure at the helm of the Tigers’ program. His best season was a 7-12 win campaign in his second season (2008-9) and his teams have been competitive in the Commonwealth Athletic Conference. However, McDormand’s mild gains have been somewhat overshadowed in the city by the success of the St. Mary’s, Lynn English, and Lynn Classical girls basketball programs.
“I can’t say enough about the girls I’ve coached at Tech,” said McDormand. “They are wonderful kids and I’ve seen how they have made me a better person. We’ve always tried to be positive role models and get our players to practice like the other teams and that wasn’t always happening before. I was also really lucky to coach witgh my assistants, Rob Upton and Jason Jimenez. ”
A graduate of the University of Chicago who holds a Master’s degree from Cambridge College, McDormand intends to stay on as a member of the Tech faculty, teaching algebra and geometry.
McDormand, whose father Brian previously coached at Tech, began his coaching career at Lynn Classical where he was an assistant to Tom Sawyer. He was a teacher at Pickering Middle School and Classical before coming to Tech.
Sawyer said McDormand did an exceptional job at Tech. “Kevin does a great job with those student-athletes,” said Sawyer. “In the one season Kevin was an assistant in our program, it was obvious to me that Kevin really had a passion for the game, really knew the game, and also had a passion for working for the kids of Lynn. What was Classical’s loss was Tech gain over the last several years.”
McDormand said it was an emotional meeting when he broke the news to his players that he was leaving the program.
“I expected one or two players to be upset with my decision but they understood my decision and they just treat me great,” said McDormand. “So I hope someone with some energy and perspectives comes along and coaches them because they deserve a good coach.”
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