The Inaugural Address of our newly elected Mayor, Thomas M. McGee, heralds a new era of optimism and progressiveness for the City of Lynn.
“As mayor, I will not just imagine the new opportunities for Lynn,” said McGee. “I will reach out and take them. The future we want for our city will never come if we sit back and wait for it. We have to take initiative — show what Lynn has to offer, and be prepared for any and every economic opportunity. Large and small, economic development possibilities are all around us, but they will pass us by if we aren’t ready.”
It is fair to say that there is nobody in our community who loves Lynn and its people more than Mayor McGee, the son of the legendary House Speaker Thomas W. McGee.
Indeed, if anyone can fulfill Mayor McGee’s bold vision for our city’s future, it is McGee himself. He was a hard-working state senator when he represented Lynn and the district and became a much-respected leader in the 40-member state Senate.
During his tenure as state senator, McGee worked very well with both the City Council, led by Council President Darren Cyr, and the School Committee and we expect that positive energy and collaboration to continue under the McGee mayoral administration.
Mayor McGee’s overwhelming victory by a margin of 64-35 percent in the November election was a testament to the faith that Lynn’s residents have in him to get the city moving in the right direction.
Mayor McGee’s leadership was tested early with the blizzard that hit Lynn hard last week and we saw the mayor out and about making sure that our residents were safe and the city was running smoothly. The Lynn Fire Department and Lynn Police, along with the DPW, truly stepped up against the force and fury of the first major snowstorm of the winter.
What an incredible honor and exciting time it is to be mayor of this city of 90,000 residents and we wish Mayor McGee, his wife, Maria, and their children, Thomas and Katherine, good luck as the McGee Era begins in the gateway to the North Shore.