A virtual celebration of our business community
On February 3, 2021, the business community will have the opportunity celebrate the achievements of our business community during the past year and meet the Board of Directors for the upcoming year. Join us for a virtual program to recognize these, and many other, businesses and leaders in our community.
New Board Members:
• Suzanne Iovanna Pride Motor Group
• Bonnie Galinski Salem State University
Award Recipients:
• Buddy Fennel Hall of Fame Award
o Bibby Real Estate Corp
o Greater Lynn Senior Services
o Lazy Dog Restaurant
• David Solimine Community Service and Support Award
o Atlantic Ambulance
o Salvation Army, Lynn Corps
o Brother’s Deli
o R.F. O’Sullivan’s
• Community Pride Award
o Nicole Mcclain – North Shore Juneteenth Association
The Greater Lynn Chamber of Commerce was established in 1913 and represents over 350 businesses. The GLCC continues to advocate for the business community with the mission of enhancing the economic viability in the Greater Lynn Area.
GLCC Annual Meeting & Business Excellence Awards
February 3, 2021 @ 6:00 PM
Broadcast on Facebook, Youtube, Zoom
Visit the GLCC website for additional information: greaterlynnchamber.com.