Ward 1 Candidate Jeff Newhall is ready on day one when elected. He will bring a positive leadership role to Ward 1. Jeff is campaigning with a visionary outlook for a better future for Ward 1 and the City of Lynn.
A life-time resident of Ward 1, Jeff has seen many changes in the community. As a former School Committee member and St. Mary’s Athletic Director, Jeff has the experience to make effective decisions. He has the ability to communicate well with others and he is immediately prepared to serve Ward 1. As Ward 1 Councilor Jeff Newhall said, “I will meet with each Ward 1 neighborhood to learn what issues are in that area. This is important; I will work with individuals who contact me as to what they will offer, or something needs to be addressed.”
Lynnfield Street is the gateway to Lynn. Jeff realizes how congested area streets have become with daily construction affecting Ward 1. This will be one of his main priorities; he understands how Ward 1 is dealing with this issue as he stated, “When everything is completed traffic will be much smoother and I will constantly monitor it.” He will also focus on public safety, park improvements, and having urgent medical services for Ward 1.
Jeff Newhall will be there for the residents with only a phone call away. He will be accessible, available, and diligent to his constituent’s concerns. Jeff is ready to begin working for a better ward; Jeff Newhall will be there for you as your Ward 1 Councilor.