Chronicle Does Us a Good Turn

Last Thursday on the popular television show Chronicle, Lynn was featured and in a wonderful way, highlighting everything good about this city for so many hundreds of thousands of viewers to see and to hear. As Chronicle put it: “These…

Voting on Question 2

Lynn residents voting on November 6 will have the option to vote for or against a ballot measure regarding physician prescribed and assisted suicide. It is, obviously, an important ballot question as it goes to the core of how we…

Thank you, Chronicle

The Channel 5 Chronicle piece depicting Lynn last week was perfect in nearly every way. We want to thank the Chronicle people for doing such a wonderful job of showing this city’s positive aspects so brilliantly. Television has the power…

Lynn Veteran’s Council

Mayor Judith Flanagan-Kennedy is shown with Stella Nall, World War II Navy veteran; Lorrie Landry, Army veteran of the Korean War and Mary Muzzioli, a Navy veteran of World at last weeks Lynn Veteran’s Council sponsored Annual Veterans Memorial Ceremony held…