In a stunning move representing the school department’s desire to undo the failing problems at two major Lynn schools – Harrington and Connery – School Superintendent Catherine Latham has announced she will be replacing the principals of those schools.
In a letter posted on the School Department Web site, the superintendent said she would be replacing Harrington Principal Michael Molnar and Connery School Principal Patricia Riley.
Molnar made $97,709 last year.
Riley made $100,799 last year.
Latham described Molnar and Riley as consummate professionals who know their schools intimately well.
The Harrington and Connery schools have been placed on the state’s failing schools list with 30 percent of the Harrington School’s students posting warning/failing scores on the 2009 MCAS with 27 percent posting warning/failing test results at Connery.
Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy said she would not consent to the closure of the failing schools, as allowed for by the state. Latham has opted for changing principals, which is another option the state allows.
She has not announced who their replacements will be.
It is believed Latham will re-assign both educators to other positions in the system.