The Warmth of March

Lynn Shore Drive, the beach, Lynn Woods, Gannon and everywhere else in this sprawling city where people enjoy the warmth of a beautiful day were swamped for the past ten days.

It was like summer in March, an incredible happening with no rhyme or reason.

We had pushed everything about the cold and the end of winter out of our heads and we were walking around in jeans, shorts, sandles and short sleeve shirts.

And most of us thought – this is what the weather will be until September.



Many of us were going around believing that Spring had come in March, would go to April, May and then onto summer in June, July and August.

If such a scenario were going to present itself, this would mean we were going to experience fully six months of warmth-and what a thing that would be!

For everyone involved in businesses that cater to the warmth, the unusual early season has already contributed to the great success of everything that is going to follow.

But what if, as Mark Twain liked to speculate about the New England weather, the heat we’ve experienced does not return until July?

What if the cool weather that has descended upon us in the past few days is a harbinger of everything to follow?

If this is to be the case, then we’ve all been fooled.

The budding flowers, budding bushes, budding trees, even, are all budding right now because they’ve been fooled into believed the spring was in its full blush.

But it isn’t.

We want to believe it is. We love thinking it is. We want it to be that way.

So many days with early warmth and the grass turning eerily green overnight and it is not yet April causes us to wobble a bit and to enter a state of virtual unreality.

If we are lucky, April will be without snow.

If we are lucky, April will have more warmth than ever before.

If we are lucky, everything that follows from the unbelievable early warmth we have experienced will be even warmer but don’t bet on it.

In the immortal words of the great American writer Mark Twain: “I reverently believe that the Maker who made us all makes everything in New England but the weather.”

Let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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