The staff and interns at Lynn CAM, pictured at the television station. Seated, from left, are interns Darcy Reguero, Hallel Diakalenga, Kayla Murkison, and Roseline Lebela-Babela. Standing, from left, are member Dave Murray, staff producer David Riley Jr., operations manager Sean Donahue, program director Pedro Diaz Jr., and board treasurer Rob Sewell.
LynnCAM, the Lynn cable television station that reaches an estimated 40,000 households, is ushering in a new era at its headquarters at 527 Western Ave.
Sean Donahue, operations manager, said the staff is painting its offices and redesigning its members’ area, positive changes that coincide with expanded programming and an increase in membership.
“We needed to create more space,” said Donahue. “We had to develop a new administration office for our member services and what that allows us to do is expand our member area. Originally we had three computers for editing – now we’re going to have seven computers.”
Donahue said that approximately 20 members of LynnCAM are producing television shows on a regular basis.
“Our programming is produced by Lynn residents and non-profit organizations within the community.”
Two successful shows are “The City’s Voice,” hosted by Joe Spina, former mayor Al DiVirgilio, and former councilor-at-large Paul Crowley, and the sports show, “LynnMA Sportscast,” (that is co-hosted by Donahue and Jessica Starbard).”
“In our most recent LynnCAM show, Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy, School Committee member Rick Starbard, Building Commissioner and Inspectional Services Chief Michael Donovan talked about the groundbreaking at the Marshall Middle School,” said Donahue.
LynnCAM also provides live coverage of Lynn City Council meetings. It also broadcasts political debates and special events such as the tribute to well-known sports personality John Hoffman that was held June 19.
Donahue said the local television station, which is funded by Comcast and Verizon, used to be widley known as a “public access,” but is has since transitioned to PEG media.
“That [PEG] is an acronym for public, education, and government,” said Donahue. “LynnCAM handles the public and government aspects while LETV (Lynn Educational Television) handles the education side of things. LETV is headed by Phil Terenzoni and Michael Quinn.”
The ongoing renovations to the station include painting the walls, expanding the members’ area, and cleaning the new offices.
“There are always continuous improvements at LynnCAM,” said Donahue. “We’re always focused on creating more of a happy environment for our members. That’s our main focus – that our members are comfortable and they have the amenities they need to create quality programming.”
Karen Chapman is the president of the LynnCAM board of directors that oversees the television station. Donahue shares the administrative responsibilities with programming manager Pedro Diaz Jr., staff producer David Riley Jr., and Donna Currier, who is in member services.
“We’re excited about the future,” said Donahue. “We have a focus and a vision which is part of our “Capture Lynn” campaign. The goal of the campaign is to highlight local organizations and the services they are bringing to Lynn – in 3-5 minute public service announcements [PSAs] that are airing on the television station.”
Donahue said LynnCAM is launching a summer membership drive. Annual memberships range from $20 for individuals to $160 for organizations.