During the course of his campaign for the congressional seat in the Sixth District, Seth Moulton said he would be back in Lynn often and doing what he could in Washington to help the city to advance in all ways.
Congressman Moulton was in Lynn Sunday afternoon, conducting office hours at Brothers Deli on Market Street and it was a very impressive visit.
From the warm welcome he received from Brothers Deli owner George Markos, to the confident and eloquent manner in which he interacted with his constituents, it was clear that Moulton has our city’s best interests at heart and that he is trying to make an impact in the daily lives of Lynn residents.
WBZ Radio sent their ace reporter, Kim Tunnicliffe, to Lynn Sunday to interview Congressman Moulton and he answered questions about national and international issues affecting the United States.
Moulton walked throughout the restaurant greeting residents from Lynn and nearby communities. He graciously posed for photographs and answered each and every question from residents.
Seth Moulton has just begun his first term in the House of Representatives and we’re confident that he will carry on the tradition of excellent leadership and accomplishments of those who have previously served in this esteemed position of congressman for the Sixth District.
The future is bright for Lynn, with Seth Moulton working closely with Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Council President Dan Cahill, and other city leaders to make our city even better.
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