With increasing participation and a Learn-To-Skate program that has quadrupled in the past four years, Lynn Youth Hockey is skating toward a bright future.
Which is great news for the 170 boys and girls and their parents, who have made an investment in ice hockey and the local youth program that has been surging under the direction of President Brian Boisson and the LYH Board of Directors.
Lynn Youth Hockey celebrated its successful 2018-19 season at an awards banquet Tuesday night at the Hibernian Hall. The guests enjoyed a dinner buffet followed by cake for dessert.
Boisson delivered the opening remarks before the awards program.
“I would like to thank everyone for joining us tonight to celebrate this exciting, fun and competitive season,” said Boisson. “Thank you to the parents and members of our program for your ongoing support and commitment to Youth Hockey. If it was not for all of you, LYH would not be as successful as we are. Thank you again.”
Boisson talked about the growing popularity of ice hockey and the Lynn program that provides instruction, practices, and intercity competition for players ages 5 to 18. He thanked Learn-to-Skate Coach Kevin Clougherty for his outstanding dedication to Lynn Youth Hockey.
“For anyone who was new to hockey this past season, you are now well aware as to why hockey is not only referred to as the best sport to participate in – but also referred to as your extended family with whom you have created unforgettable memories both on and off the ice,” said Boisson.
Boisson also announced that LYH has been chosen as one of the host sites for the 2019-20 Bruins Academy.
In a final message to the players, Boisson said, “You all should be holding your heads up high and be very proud of yourselves at what you have accomplished this season as a player, a teammate, and a person.”
Youth Hockey coaches presented individual awards that included the Demit Award, which is awarded to the LYH player who demonstrates dedication and love for the game, and the Patrick Reddy Award, which goes to the LYH player who plays all out to help the team win.
Boisson presented the President’s Cup to Zach Ryan of the Bantams team.