City Clerk Janet Rowe and Supt. of Schools Dr. Patrick Tutwiler are working together to spread the word about the importance of filling out the 2020 U.S. Census forms.
“He [Dr. Tutwiler] has been doing a great job,” said Rowe, who is leading the Complete Committee (consisting of 140 people) and the ‘Visual campaign’ to promote the Census effort in Lynn.
Rowe said Tutwiler coordinated the distribution of thousands of fliers (in 15 different languages) to families through the school lunch program. Rowe alao noted that Tutwiler has been publicizing the Census on his social media that goes out school administrators and teachers.
“He has a been tremendous help in our Census effort,” said Rowe.
Tutwiler’s valuable contributions to the Census effort are not going unnoticed by community leaders. He has always “stepped up” for Lynn and been a highly visible leader in the community. Lynn English basketball players personally expressed their gratitude to the superintendent for traveling to Holy Cross (where Tutwiler played college basketball) last year for the state championship game (won by English). In another gesture of graciousness, Tutwiler conducted a tie-making demonstration for students in an ELD class at Lynn English. His expertise drew a heartfelt ovation from the students.
Census has big
Impact on school funding
The U.S. Census count, which is conducted nationally every 10 years to determine the population in the United States, is very important to communities, especially school districts.
According to the US Census Bureau, “the 2020 Census impacts the federal funds that communities receive each year for programs and services that are critical for schools, students, and younger children such as special education, Head Start, after-school programs, and classroom technology, food assistance, including free and reduced-price school lunches.”
Rowe said the city is at a 44 percent Census response rate at this time, “which is not really that great.”
The “Visual Campaign” will include the placement of lawn signs throughout the city, along with advertising on billboards and street banners.
Rowe said other communities are doing phone-banking, “but I just think a lot of people just don’t answer their phones.”
“We may do a robocall by Mayor McGee, because I think people will listen to that,” added Rowe.
Rowe has also been busy working on prepraions for the state and congressional primary elections to be held on Sept. 1.
(Information from the US Census Bureau Website was used directly in the compilation of this story).