Kickoff campaign for Councilor-at-Large Hong Net was held inside the newly renovated Old Tyme’s function facility. Air conditioned and a spacious area accommodated over 100 people supporting Hong’s re-election bid for his fourth term to serve the citizens of Lynn.
Introducing Hong Net to his supporters was his daughter, Anna, as she said, “My father has worked so hard for the City of Lynn. He has balanced his time between work and serving as a Councilor-at-Large. My dad takes into consideration the concerns and opinions of the citizens. He has an immense passion to improve Lynn and wants more residents involved in the community.”
Hong Net greatly appreciates serving the city he enjoys and loves. He is very impressed to see how the city is coming together among its diverse population. Hong feels, “Together we can accomplish a lot. Working with each other, the city can move forward to be safe and prosperous.”
New city developments are happening as Hong continued to say, “Cooperation with my city colleagues and with the State Legislators is so rewarding how we all come together through time and effort to improve the city.” During the pandemic Hong obtained grant money for residents who were financially challenged. He also worked in conjunction with North Shore Heath Care personnel to maintain an awareness of wearing a mask and other safety issues. Other top priorities on his agenda include Job Equity, Senior Concerns and Public Education.
On another enlightening note, Hong Net became an author; he wrote a very moving book titled – Given A Chance: A story of Strength, Survival, and Success. Atty. Richard Vitale who assisted Hong in publishing the book highly recommends it. The book is now available on Amazon.