Keep Lynn Clean Grade 2 student poster winners were honored at City Hall Council Chamber.
Each Lynn elementary school poster winner was recognized for their creative style and drawing
ability. Litter Co-chairpersons, At-Large Brian Field and Ward 5 Dianna Chakoutis organized this

Keep Lynn Clean contest with School Committee and Council members who visited each Grade 2
elementary school introducing the importance of having a cleaner Lynn.Mayor Jared Nicholson said,
“All who worked on the Litter committee recognized this to be a top issue in the community to keep
our streets and parks clean.
This moment is so exciting to have these students who are spreading the message to Keep Lynn Clean.” Mayor Nicholson extended his congratulations to the winners for their leadership, talent, and helping to improve the city environment.Also involved with this project included Lynn DPW Lisa Nerich, Lynn Tech Graphic Arts Department, and Community
Development. Each drawing will be placed inside local business windows for viewing. City wide
winner was Brickett School student, Lindsey, who will be seen on a Lynn Billboard at a Boston Street