MBTA officials announced service changes in November on the Red, Orange, and Haverhill lines. The MBTA will continue working to improve service reliability across the system. Additional service changes may take place in November and will be announced when details are finalized.
On the Red Line:
• Accessible shuttle bus service will replace Red Line trains between Alewife and Kendall/MIT Stations during the weekend of November 4-5. This service change allows crews to perform rail welding and track work in order to alleviate speed restrictions.
• Accessible shuttle bus service will replace Red Line trains between JFK/UMass and Park Street Stations beginning at approximately 8:45 PM through the end of service Tuesday through Thursday on November 14-16 as well as during the weekend of November 18-19. This service change allows crews to perform track work between Broadway and South Station in order to alleviate speed restrictions.
On the Orange Line:
• Accessible shuttle bus service will replace Orange Line trains between Oak Grove and Wellington Stations from the start of service until approximately 2 PM on Sunday, November 5. This service change is taking place to accommodate an emergency response learning exercise taking place near Malden Center. The exercise is an opportunity for public safety officials to exercise emergency response plans, policies, and procedures.
• Accessible shuttle bus service will replace Orange Line trains between Oak Grove and North Station beginning at approximately 8:45 PM through the end of service Tuesday through Friday on November 7- 10 as well as during the weekend of November 11-12. This service change allows MBTA crews to perform critical work at the Oak Grove crossover track area as well as in and around the tracks at Sullivan Square and Community College Stations.