Category: Editorials

Guest Op-Ed: Turn the Page

Dr. Glenn Mollette   Fall season officially begins September 22 this year. For every season there is a change. Most of us like the seasons especially if we can have four of them.   I like the fall as the weather seems…

A Summer of Chaos And Tragedy

As America approached the Memorial Day weekend of 2020, the death toll from COVID-19 in the United States stood at just under 100,000 of our fellow Americans. But now, three months later, that number soon will have doubled, as our…

Be Sure to Vote in the Primary

This Tuesday, September 1, is primary election day in Massachusetts for both national and state legislative offices. Primary elections in Massachusetts typically are of little or no consequence because of the overwhelming Democratic voting enrollment and because most Democrats run…

Politicizing the Pandemic

This past Sunday evening, President Donald Trump held a news conference to announce that the use of blood plasma in treating patients who have contracted Covid-19 has been shown to reduce the death rate from Covid-19 by 35% — a…

Letter to the Editor

Join me in Voting for Joe Kennedy To the Editor: Not so long ago when my office uncovered the largest case of fraud ever perpetrated upon this country by the rampant greed of the big banks and their Wall Street…

Save the U.S. Post Office

The unprecedented efforts to undermine the operations of the U.S. Postal Service by President Donald Trump and the Republicans are not even a thinly-veiled attempt to make sure that mail-in voting in the November election during this unprecedented pandemic will…