Category: Editorials

Plastic Bag Ban Makes Sense

There presently are 90 communities across the state that have banned the use of those ubiquitous single-use plastic bags that typically are found at check-out counters in all kinds of stores — and which then typically end up strewn by…

Bring on the Spring

Yes, we know that the calendar told us that spring officially began with the vernal equinox on March 20. And yes, the crocuses have been in full bloom, bringing a welcome burst of color to the otherwise-dreary New England landscape…

Letter to the Editor

Agrees with editorial on climate change To the editor: Thank you for your timely editorial (“Another Side of Climate Change”) pointing out the   rapidly advancing effects of climate change across the nation. Gov, Baker and our Legislature have taken a…

Another Sign of Climate Change

“Historically catastrophic” flooding is the description of what has been happening across our nation’s Midwestern Plains states this past week, thanks to a combination of heavy snows and unseasonably cold weather followed by unusually heavy rains. When most of us…