Category: Editorials

Remembering the Heroes of 9/11

For every generation of Americans for the past near-century, there have been seminal events for which those who were of a certain age can recall “where they were” when they “heard the news.” Every member of the Greatest Generation could…

Harvey and Houston

Many of us are just shocked as the reports of continued destruction from Hurricane Harvey keep coming in from the Houston, Texas area.  The fourth largest city in the United States is being virtually destroyed before our eyes by Mother…

Another Alcohol-Related Tragedy

Perhaps it is because we have children who are teenagers, but the news Monday morning of the death of a 16-year-old girl on the Merrimack River in a jet-ski accident in which alcohol allegedly was involved hit us particularly hard.…

An Investment In Our Future

Governor Charlie Baker’s recent announcement that his administration will ask the legislature for a five-year, $500 million life sciences initiative that will extend the state’s decade-long commitment to the biotech and medical technology industry demonstrates the governor’s focus on maintaining…

Enjoy A Safe and Sane Fourth

The summer season’s big holiday, the Fourth of July, is upon us. Millions of Americans will be celebrating the holiday — which will be a long and extended four-day weekend for many of us — with friends and family in…