Category: Editorials

The Winter of Our Discontent

Although the temperatures have been below zero with wind chills even colder, tempers have been rising among just about all of us as the snow and our frustrations continue to pile up. Yes, life is difficult in the city, where…

Martin Luther King

When one considers that it has been almost 47 years since Martin Luther King was assassinated, it is easy to understand why so many of our fellow Americans today have so little understanding of who he was and what he accomplished. Every…

The Olympics in Boston?

The prospect of hosting a Summer Olympics in Boston has been bandied about for many years, but it now appears as though things might get serious in light of Boston’s selection as the top choice of American cities to contend for…

Happy Thanksgiving

Another Thanksgiving is upon us, a day for schoolboy football, family gatherings, and not much else to do other than enjoy a great dinner that reminds us how fortunate we truly are. Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, tracing its…