Category: Editorials

Tierney Versus Tisei

At first glance, it now appears that Richard Tisei is leading incumbent Congressman John Tierney in the polls. This is considered an extraordinary achievement given the fact Tisei began his run a virtual stranger to much of the sprawling congressional…

Register to Vote

Massachusetts voters have until October 13, to register to vote. The presidential election coming up in November is among the most important in decades. In order to vote, one must be registered to make themselves heard and felt – as…

Development Possibilities

Increasingly we are hearing more and more about the possible development of the enormous empty space behind the Walmart and the former Build 19 property which sits on the water and is prime real estate. Whatever shape this possible development…

The Jewish New Year

Boston’s Jewish community has ushered in the New Year with synagogue services, prayer and with traditional family gatherings. Now comes the ten days of penitence for Jews all over the world, during which time they must atone for their misdeeds…

Remembering September 11, 2001

The more that time passes, the more we tend to forget the stark terror and horrible outcome of the terrorists attacks which killed so many, while at the same time awakened the nation to the worldwide terrorist threat. The passing…

The Labor Day Weekend

The symbolic end of summer – the Labor Day weekend –  has come and gone, again. The holiday has its origins in the 1880’s and was intended at first to celebrate the contributions and achievements of American workers. Celebrating the…