Category: Editorials

To Be a Millionaire or Not

Lynn residents might well ponder whether or not it matters that Senator Scott Brown and his opponent, Harvard Law professor Elisabeth Warren are both millionaires. During this election season, being rich and wanting to serve in public office are often…

Tisei Versus Tierney

Democratic Congressman John Tierney will have his hands full facing former state senator Richard Tisei, the liberal republican who is running against the congressman who represents Lynn. Tisei, who has been out of the senate for two years, spent two…

Susan Halter

Lynn Arts Director Susan Halter is leaving her job. This is a loss for Lynn Arts and for the city as Halter is one of those rare people with energy, intelligence and vision – not to mention her understanding of…

The Red Sox

The Boston Red Sox have gone from zeros to heroes among the faithful members of Red Sox Nation in a matter of three games. The fickle nature of Red Sox fans has never been more apparent than this year. And…

The Lack of Rain

Lynn Woods has been the scene for the past few days of brush fires. With literally no snow during the winter and very little rain, we are about 7-9 inches short of where we ought to be for rainfall. In…