Councillor at Large Stephen Duffy’s proposal to solicit money from members of Lynn’s business community to beef up the police budget is unique and controversial at the same time.
“If the Police Department can’t find the resources it needs, I will,” Duffy told the Journal earlier this week.
He remains adamant about his proposal, which has produced a wide variety of responses since appearing in the Boston Herald.
The more attention the proposal has received, the wider the gap in responses.
“I’m not going to go on the record about the proposal but I’m not for it,” said a Lynn city councilor who wished to remain unnamed.
“I just could not feel comfortable about supporting such a measure,” he added.
Police Chief Kevin Coppinger said that he did not support soliciting funds from residents.
“The police department is not for sale,” he said in the Daily Item. He said he’d like to see more funding for the Police Department to get more uniforms on the street for the summer.
For his part, Duffy said he was undaunted.
“I’m moving forward with this. I believe it is a good idea.”
A draft agreement between the EDIC and the Police Department is under review by the city’s legal department as to where the funds will be deposited and how they will be distributed and who exactly will be in control of the account, according to city officials.
Duffy said he will begin soliciting the city’s ten largest businesses for donations immediately.
Yet another councilor who wished to remain unnamed as well, said he believed the solicitation was like a second tax.
“I’m against any new taxes,” he said.
“The taxes we all pay should be enough without soliciting donations to give to the Police Department for better public safety coverage.”