Stacey Minchello, director of the Lynn Senior Center, is pictured with seniors Irene Noel and Candida Arsenault at the center located on Silsbee Street.
The Friends of the Lynn Council on Aging will hold a major fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus on Lynnfield Street.
The Friends of the Lynn Council on Aging is the non-profit fundraising group that supports the Lynn Council on Aging Senior Center. Its officers are president Joan B. Noble, vice president Linda Rosenthal, treasurer Deb Small, and membership secretary Virginia Calef.
“This is our first fundraising event ever,” said Stacey Minchello, director of the Lynn Council on Aging Senior Center on Silsbee Street. “We’re doing it because the state made some cuts in our budget last year and level funded it this year. Our private donations are down because of the economy.”
The sponsors of the Casino Night are Abbott House, Greater Lynn Senior Services, the Daily Item, Shop Quik, Hub International Insurance, DiVirgilio Insurance, All Care VNA, PACE, and Met Life.
“The Friends are hoping to raise $20,000 from the Casino Night,” said Minchello. “One of the projects they’re working on is that they would like to obtain a 12-passenger, wheelchair accessible van for the Senior Center.”
Minchello said the city of Lynn’s contribution to the budget increased one percent this year for a total allocation of $142,000. She added that the Council receives $76,000 in Lynn Community Development Funds for the Meals on Wheels program that delivers food Lynn seniors at their residences.
Minichello said the 2010 census revealed that there are 14,483 seniors (age 60 and over) residing in Lynn. “We receive $6.85 per senior from the state which comes to approximately $94,000,” said Minchello.
Minchello said that 65 per cent of the workers at the Senior Center are volunteers. Close to 200 people visit the Senior Center every day, many enjoying hot lunches that cost $2 per person. Seniors also participate in several social and educational programs. Senior Center staff often make referrals of seniors to GLSS or other home care services.
“Now more than ever our seniors are relying on the Lynn Senior Center – they need us,” said Minchello.
Rosa Paulino-Diaz, outreach coordinator, and Kristi Harris, activities coordinator assist Minchello on the staff.
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