If there were still a “Candlepin Bowling” TV show each Saturday on Channel 5, Lynn’s Jonathan Boudreau would

BEST IN THE GAME: Lynn resident Jonathan Boudreau displays his textbook candlepin bowling delivery during a practice session at Millis
Bowl. Boudreau won the Massachusetts state singles title, which was the sixth state title of his illustrious bowling career.
be a household name by now.
Boudreau, 23, added to his list of accomplishments in the sport by taking home the Massachusetts state singles championship at Boston Bowl in Dorchester.
Boudreau bested a field of 50 bowlers with a five-string score of 612, which is actually well below the phenomenal 129 average he carried this season. He posted his score on the first day of competition.
“There were record-low scores in the tournament,” related Boudreau. “Boston Bowl is a very tough house. I was somewhat surprised my score held up.”
It was Boudreau’s second state singles title and sixth state title overall. He last won the singles title in 2013 with a sizzling 1,435 total in a 10-string tournament.
Boudreau also won the 2018 men’s team state title with Lynn’s Dave Barber and Shawn McKinley. Barber was the state all-events champion.
The state title capped off a sensational 2017-18 season for Boudreau who was named “Bowler of the Year” in the Pro Series after winning tournaments at Metro Bowl in Peabody and