Author: Journal Staff

Be Sure to Vote in the Primary

This Tuesday, September 1, is primary election day in Massachusetts for both national and state legislative offices. Primary elections in Massachusetts typically are of little or no consequence because of the overwhelming Democratic voting enrollment and because most Democrats run…

Politicizing the Pandemic

This past Sunday evening, President Donald Trump held a news conference to announce that the use of blood plasma in treating patients who have contracted Covid-19 has been shown to reduce the death rate from Covid-19 by 35% — a…

Letter to the Editor

Join me in Voting for Joe Kennedy To the Editor: Not so long ago when my office uncovered the largest case of fraud ever perpetrated upon this country by the rampant greed of the big banks and their Wall Street…

Bike Patrol in Action at CBD

If you have visited the downtown area recently you may have seen our newly formed Central Business District (CBD) Bike Patrol Team in action. The team’s neon green uniform makes them easily recognizable. As the population of the downtown area…

MassDOT Develops New Mobility Dashboard

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing the release of the new MassDOT Mobility Dashboard. This dashboard is another resource for members of the public to visualize, analyze, and monitor data collected by MassDOT to better understand the effects of…