Category: Editorials

Congratulations to Our Graduates

Graduation season is upon us, the time of year in which communities all across America celebrate the accomplishments of our young adults who will be receiving their high school diplomas. Graduation is a bittersweet time, marking both an ending and a beginning. For the grads, they will realize…

Wounded Vet Run

Congratulations to State Rep. Carlo Basile, Andrew Biggio and all the Wounded Vet Run organizers for another job well done. As in years past the Wounded Vet Run Sunday, April 27 that brought 3,000 motorcycles through the area to raise…

Thank You, JoAnn Power

JoAnn Power has been an unsung hero at the Lynn Chamber of Commerce and in our community for the past 16 years. As the LACC’s communications manager, she and fellow dream teamers, chief executive officer Leslie Gould, and membership manager…

So, This Is Spring?

Although the calendar told us that spring officially arrived last Thursday, Mother Nature, as usual, has decided on her own time frame for when she will allow spring to be sprung. As we are writing this editorial at the beginning…