Category: Editorials

Congressman Anthony Weiner

The outrageous behavior of New York Congressman Anthony Weiner has forced him into a rehab somewhere where he is hoping to find a way to stop carrying on on the Internet which includes sending photographs of his private parts to…

The Bruins

The Bruins are not dead yet. If they lose Monday night, they are nearly dead. If they win, they remain very much alive. The sudden death goal scored against them in the second game was an old trick done well.…

The Weather

Cab drivers share cab stories. Cops trade cop stories. New Englanders talk about the weather. For the past ten days we have experienced nothing but rain, cold, dreariness and more dreariness. This spate of bad weather at a time when…

Arnold Schwarzenegger

A great deal of media has been generated because the former governor of California and one of Hollywood’s great movie stars has admitted to fathering a son out of wedlock. By doing so, this has caused his wife Maria Shriver…

A Week of Rain is Forecast

The weekend was about gray skies and rain. Monday came up gray and rainy. The weathermen and women on Boston’s major television stations are all predicting a week of gray and rain at a time when all of us want…

Pension Funding not Up to Par

The city of Lynn has unfunded pension obligations of almost $451 million for 2,020 retired employees and 1497 current employees. This is not new news. It is the same old news and quite likely, nothing will be done about it.…