Special to the Journal
The City of Lynn lost one of our all-time best citizens with the recent passing of former long-time Police Chief John F. “Jack” Hollow, Sr.
Chief Hollow’s life story was typical of so many of his generation who were born amidst the era of the Great Depression and who as children witnessed the sadness that engulfed the families who lost loved ones in World War II.
They did not take life for granted and pursued the American Dream to its utmost, while at the same time devoting their lives to their families and communities.
Chief Hollow began his career in public service in 1966 as a reserve police officer and eventually became a full-time officer in 1969.
Chief Hollow’s hard work and dedication both to the Lynn Police Dept. and its citizenry resulted in his steady progression through the ranks, eventually leading to his becoming chief in 1987 at the age of 49, a position he held until his retirement in 2000, a tenure that marked him as the longest-serving Police Chief in the city’s history.
We know we join with all of our fellow Lynn residents in offering our condolences to Mary, his beloved wife of 62 years, their children, and their large and extended family.
May he rest in peace.