Category: Editorials


Everyone in this city with kids will be out and about on Halloween. Huge throngs of kids and their parents or kids just by themselves come out to ask for candy throughout our major neighborhoods. This places an impossible task…

Shame on Tim Bassett

Everyone in Lynn in politics or in a position of responsibility over the past two decades has come to know Tim Bassett. He has been characterized in the Boston press as a former Lynn pol. Last week, he hit the…

Steve Jobs

The death of Steve Jobs at 56 brings to an end the life of an extraordinary American inventor. Ironically, the I-Phones held by so many millions across the face of the earth announcing his death were designed by him. He…

Columbus Day 2011

At the time he lived and sailed during the 15th Century there was no man dead or alive who was more gifted at navigating the seas than Christopher Columbus. When speaking or writing about him, the same things have been…

Down the Beach

Here we are, now into October, and the weather remains unusually warm and balmy. Yet Lynn/Nahant Beach Reservation remains unbelievably empty – and if you want it to walk on or to wind surf or to just do nothing but…

David Solimine

There are a very few men of the stature of David Solimine in this city today. He has stature because he is a great guy who tends to do the right thing and who always has something positive to contribute…

Get Out and Vote

Tuesday is primary day in this city. If you care about who leads this city, then you’ll get yourself down to your precinct voting location and cast a vote. Granted, the primary is not so important or compelling as the…